[Artemisia] More forgotten English

Susan E. Macnamara machay at xmission.com
Wed Oct 13 12:27:24 CDT 2010

Eald: old age; Pure Saxon.

Crinigerous: overgrown with hair; aren't there a few of our populace  
who could be appropriately described this way?

Dilligrout: A kind of pottage of which a mess was offered to the kings  
of England on their coronation day by the lord of the manor of  
Addington in Surrey, being the "service" by which that manor was held.

Let's see, what kind of "service" might each baron & baroness present  
at coronation? Loch Salann: salt (or perhaps a lamb chop); Ten  
Thousand Eyes: peacock feathers; Sentinal's Keep: bird eggs; Arn Hold:  
"moose dropping" cookies; Gryphon's Lair: candy? And then, of course,  
there are the province and shires (perhaps presented by the  
seneschals). Hhhmmmm....

YIS, Luveday de Salford

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