[Artemisia] a tree question

Jeri Foster jofvertsilva at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 5 00:01:16 CST 2011

Don't they need to be a specific kind of maple? If I remember right, there is a 
sugar maple that grows in New England and Canada where most of our maple syrup 
comes from. I was on a maple sugar farm once and it was just north of Niagara 
Mistress Jerilyn

From: Padruig <rayzentz at aim.com>
To: artemisia at lists.gallowglass.org
Sent: Fri, February 4, 2011 8:14:04 PM
Subject: [Artemisia] a tree question

Greetings, one and all, from Padruig

I am wondering if there are any within the kingdom, preferably in the northern 
utah, southern idaho area, that have maple trees on their property, or know of 
someone who does. I would like to try my hand at making maple syrup, and need 
access to some trees to collect sap. I would happily share the results of my 
labours with the provider of said sap.


Dr. Raymond Zentz

It is better to die a free man, than to live, a slave.

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