[Artemisia] A request

Travis Schenck mr.schenck at gmail.com
Sat Jan 14 12:30:57 CST 2012

Dear Scadians,
I realize this is somewhat of a personal request but please indulge me

This summer Tabitha of Arrows Flight who does wonderful wonderful hair
braiding and has made the hair styles of our kingdom amazing, took and
shared on facebook a picture of my lady Oriana with a fantastic hairdo
which won the Arrows' Flight A&S competition for Insurrection. Recently
while reading through Poorlydressed.failblog.org I came across that picture
tabitha has shared on facebook. As you all know the internet is cruel and
unkind and the comments were cruel to both Tabitha and Oriana. I have
requested the site take down the photo as it is both copyright to tabitha
and is obviously a picture of my lady. I would request that the Scadians ad
their pull behind this and request that poorly dressed take the image down.

Here is the link you can see the photo I'm okay with that but you can also
request it be removed by sending an email to contactus at cheezburger.com.


Thank you
Lord Javier

If you wish to understand today, you must search yesterday.  ~Pearl S. Buck

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