[Artemisia] Auction Update - End of Auction

Richard Samul scascot at mac.com
Sat Jan 28 00:52:05 CST 2012

"The best laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft agley." - Robert Burns

And so, the thing I worked hard upon, for the better part of 5 months, has come to an end. Unfortunately, it ended sooner than I had planned, because of an unforeseen technical issue (isn't always the technology that gets you?): When I set the Auction up to end at 1 minute before midnight, I was unaware that the server I was using is on Central time. So, although I set the time correctly, the server translated the ending time (correctly) to Mountain time, and duly listed it (correctly, with adjustment) on each and every item in the Auction, which I never noticed because I had correctly set and verified the default ending time. The fault is entirely mine - had I been paying more attention, this would not have happened.

At this point, I can only offer my sincerest apologies to those who had expected to log in and get in that last-minute bid, and beg your forgiveness and understanding, because there is no way to fix this error.

All of which makes the little bit of fun (with apologies to Mr. Shakespeare) I had planned a bit flat. Be that as it may:

"Our auctions now are ended. These our items,
As I foretold you, were bid upon and
Are sold unto their winners, and vanish'd into thin air:
Gone, the fabric of blackwork, embroidery, and cross-stitch
The crown-capp'd soda, the sumptuous foods,
The splendid craftsmanship, the whole Auction itself,
Yea, all which it contained, has dissolv'd
This pageant of goods and services has faded, and
Leaves not a rack behind. Artemisia is such stuff
As the Dream is made on, and our little task
Is rounded with a thanks."

HL Earc Cearr
Auction Administrator

Looking for a hole to hide in...

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