[Artemisia] Estrella Largesse Derby

Michelle Mazur aoe_sunshine at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 9 18:09:08 CST 2015

Greetings all! We will be having a Largesse Derby in order to send ourMajesties to Estrella laden with gifts to bestow the riches of our kingdom’s artisanson the Known World. Remember that each item should be tagged with the artist’sname and group. Their Royal Majesties will be traveling great distances so besure to attach those tags securely. Additional information that can be includedon tags is the type of item, how or where it may have been used, and anyallergen warnings that may apply. Bring your completed Derby Largesse to theappointed table at the Masked Ball in the Barony of Arn Hold, Saturday by 2pm.If you are not able to attend the Ball, please make arrangements to get yourdonation to the event or contact the derby organizers, Lady Neamhain or LadyMichelle. 

Dirty Donation Derby Basic Rules - Create a 3 items that are suitable forlargesse. Entry is open to everyone. All entries must be tagged and ready to begifted the day of the competition. Consider wrapping anything that may beharmed by the dust of a camping event. No perishables, please. Tightly wrap allscented items to prevent cross-scenting. No Documentation Needed. Package forsafe transport, especially the little stuff.
YIS,Lady Michelle of Harris upon York

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