[Artemisia] Kingdom Financial Crisis

gregero gregero at gmail.com
Tue Jun 9 17:35:53 CDT 2015

The list is in fact unofficial.  Yumitori, the moderator listed has passed
away but I believe others have moderator privileges, and if not, the
service provider itself can rectify that if contacted.  And new subscribers
can be added here  http://lists.gallowglass.org/mailman/listinfo/artemisia

Prior to the social web revolution, official information was cross posted
here because pretty much the only other place it was available was in hard
copy form in the Sage and in some cases group websites (if they were kept
up to date).

http://lists.gallowglass.org/mailman/listinfo  has some interesting info on
which lists are still being run by this server (not a lot, and I suspect
not very active)


On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 4:03 PM, Webminister of Artemisia <
webminister at artemisia.sca.org> wrote:

> You may need to correct me as I may be completely wrong and I apologize if
> I am mistaken, but I am under the impression that this is not an official
> Kingdom list, but an unofficial discussion list. I am also under the
> impression that the maintainer of this is no longer maintaining it, and new
> members cannot be added.
> If that knowledge is correct, it would be my respectful suggestion that
> converse happen, and this list should probably be retired; however, as the
> Kingdom Webminister is not in control of it, and as far as I am aware,
> neither is the social media officer it should at least be considered an
> unofficial private discussion location. As it is private and unofficial, my
> suggestions are merely that, suggestions and it can exist however it wants
> and give what information it desires, just as long as it is not working in
> an official capacity representing the Kingdom of Artemisia.
> I could create an official mailing list maintained by the appropriate
> Kingdom officers and stored on Kingdom servers, but I do not think it is a
> wise idea. With all of the social media on the Internet already controlled
> by official representatives (ex. Facebook, Twitter, etc.), a mailing list
> like this is pretty antiquated technology for communication, and would be
> difficult to maintain as it's possible that the officer may have to approve
> each email for inappropriate content or copyright violations. Unofficial is
> much better in my opinion for censorship reasons and the problems that
> could create.
> Yours in Service,
> Fritz
> --
> Lord Fritz Zapff
> On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 3:48 PM, Duke Alan <dukealan at q.com> wrote:
> > Ursula,
> >
> > This list, known as the Aerir, used to be the primary means of
> > communication for the Kingdom.  Since FB has become so popular, most of
> the
> > "chatter" has moved over there.  To the point, that if you don't do FB,
> you
> > will feel pretty ignored if all you do is watch the Aerie.
> >
> > For about a million reasons, I would like to see that trend reversed, and
> > the primary means of communication return to the Aerie.
> >
> > It was a completely effective way for discussing things and keeping up on
> > Kingdom news.
> >
> > At least that's my perspective on the issue.
> >
> > Alan
> >
> >
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> Artemisia mailing list
> Artemisia at lists.gallowglass.org
> http://lists.gallowglass.org/mailman/listinfo/artemisia

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