[Artemisia] harvest war updates

Dan Watson dan.watson at usu.edu
Sun Aug 28 23:01:27 CDT 2016

Harvest War Updates

Harvest War will be held September 16-18 in it's "traditional" site of Box Elder Campground. Preparations are in full swing, and it looks like the plan is coming together perfectly. Here are a few updates:

1. At this point, it looks like we will have three members of the SCA BoD there to do a meet & greet, probably sometime Saturday afternoon. We are very excited to host a portion of the BoD for this event.

2. Looks like we will have the use of the upper field for parking and camping. We've reserved the area under the trees for some potential Saturday evening activities. Probability is high that we will have a combined Lochtoberfest and Broken Rock Hafla shindig up there. Including the drunk viking pillow fight thing and other viking games.

3. Yes, there will be fighting in the trees in the upper field.

4. The Green Flagon Tavern will be running on Friday night. Please bring some finger foods and beverages to share. I'm lining up entertainment for the evening. Please let me know your 20-minute gig so I can get you on a schedule. We'll have a stage and lights, and we feel like we can forego the use of a sound system, so as to preserve a more medieval atmosphere.

5. Merchants are invited this year. Please contact David Lester if you need some space at the war.

Fighting, thrown weapons, archery, classes, parties, cool fall colors...Harvest War is shaping up as being awesome and epic this year. Start making your plans now!
Harvest War Site Liaison

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