[EKStationers] helping out

Callender, Gina callenderg at coned.com
Thu Mar 9 15:35:35 CST 2006

Hi Mistress Elwynne,
I'd love to be a part of the charter!  Thanks for asking.  I won't be able to make it to Coronation, but I'm sure I can catch up with you all at some point to sign it.

I just wanted to share that I had a really nice book binding class at K&Q Bardic a couple of weeks back...and got a very nice review =) (My dad taught a history of Chinese Characters & techniques class).

" 'I was truly appreciative of Ding Li Ying Nu Shr and her father for
being so patient with my boys (I'm thinking that somehow I've got to
take the newfound obsession with Chinese characters/numbers and run
with it!)'

At the feast, her son Rael told me he is going to use his book for
special stuff, and he already had the first page full thanks to your
father with Chinese numbers, and he was explaining to me what they were
-- very sweet." 

Cool, huh =)


Message: 5
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2006 12:44:33 -0500
From: "Heather Gray" <March.Hare at Verizon.net>
Subject: Re: [EKStationers] RE: Ekstationers Digest, Vol 14, Issue 4
To: "East Kingdom Stationers Guild"
	<ekstationers at lists.gallowglass.org>
Message-ID: <026401c643a1$21342920$6501a8c0 at marchharestudio.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Hi Li,

I'm sure someone will take you up on that offer too (maybe me ;)   Shall I add your name to the charter too? If you don't make it to Coronation, we'll catch up with you for your signature later.  


Perhaps taking on the role of a Warden would be too much at this point, but I could certainly be available to:
-type up things
-I take excellent notes
-I am organized
-and I generally like to help anyone that I can

If you think there is something that I can do, please let me know...otherwise I will be an observer that will jump in when needed.

Yours in Service,

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