[Artemisia] Medieval European dance

Bruce Padget bapadget at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 20 21:22:15 CDT 2004

--- Lisa <elsidhg at yahoo.com> wrote:
> For those interested in participating for the A&S
> war point at Estrella for dance, would you like to
> have live musicians? The idea had been bantied
> about, and I think now is a good time to start the
> planning. We have many fine musicians in Artemisia
> that also attend Estrella. Please contact me if you
> are interested, or let me know if someone else is
> already coordinating this.
> Yours,
> Elsidh

Two thoughts -- (okay three, but who's counting)

1.  Every dance wonk I know prefers live music.  The
*only* advantage of recorded music is its absolute
consistency -- good for dance performance, of course,
but not very authentic. :D

2.  Preliminary discussions with Aten dance wonks have
tended toward using recorded music for the war point. 
The fear, as I recall, was that a piece might find it
is being judged on the music, or the performance as a
whole, rather than strictly on the dance.

3.  The precise competition rules are hashed out in
the treaty negotiation process.  I've never been very
closely involved in negotiations on the arts points. 
So...Mistress Juliana, or anyone else who might know: 
To whom do suggestions/concerns go?  When/how should
we send them?  

Abbastanza Buon Non E Abbastanza Buono
bapadget at yahoo.com

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