[Artemisia]BoD comments

Sondra Gibson sgibson at edulog.com
Thu Mar 30 15:36:35 CST 2006

Greetings all, 

Until today, I didn't see any of the posts on this topic as attacking anyone
personally.  There was a discussion going on.  Many people have many
different opinions, for many different reasons.  

And you know what - *that is OK!*  People were stating their opinions and at
times using examples to back up their thoughts.  No one was being called
un-peer like for airing their opinions.    We are all entitled to our
opinions, whether we are Royals, Peers or non Peers.  And in a group this
large, they are going to differ.  Sometimes by quite a lot.   Ideally this
*should* be a place where opinions can be expressed without our discussions
degenerating into name calling and finger pointing.  

Yes - each person who has strong feeling on the topic of BoD sanctions needs
to express those thoughts and feelings to the BoD.  But at times it's useful
to hear other people's point of view, before making one's mind up about
something.  (you might just hear something that will change how you feel!)
So please people, listen to what others have to say, and try to reread your
response before posting it.  Don't expect everyone to share the same
viewpoint.  Just because they don't see things the same as you do doesn't
make them a bad person.  

(ok - getting off soapbox now)


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