[Artemisia] A closed mouth gathers no feet

Jacquie Ziegler shauna at bresnan.net
Sat Aug 11 19:08:52 CDT 2007

Cat Clark wrote:

<snip of excellent verbage to save space>
> Anyway, if you follow my reasoning on how the organically grown game of 
> the SCA is fundementally at fault for the "run-away" development of SCA
> subsidiaries like the College of Arms.  We get these organizational
> flaws
> and failures just because we grew organically instead of having growth
> and
> development that was planned...  "Organic" growths without planning can
> lose sight of what should have been our central vision and therefore get
> out of control and set us up for the problems we are seeing today.
Oh, I heartily agree that the SCA and the College of Arms 'just growed 
like Topsie' - I just wish we did not have 40+ years of dreck to deal 
with, sometimes, when I am looking through the _really_ old archival 
stuff. :-)

Attempts to regulate or reign in the flights of fancy that are a lot of 
submissions in some Kingdoms have been irregular, at best, but I do keep 
tilting at that windmill. :-D

> I have never given the BoD any serious thought because I doubt I would
> ever be invited to join.  Really - I'm too much of a heretic. Doing 
> stuff as a member of the GC, on the other hand, is in someways more 
> gratifying and effective because it's an organization that thinks and
> vets
> (and gets listened to by the BoD), instead of being trapped in the
> grind 
> of trying to run a flawed corporate structure like the BoD does.
> Anyway, that's just my opinion, and as I've said many time before:
> opinions are like... oh, never mind...
> ttfn
> Therasia von OpenMouthChangeFoot
And, my dear Therasia, is precisely the same sort of attitude that got 
me where I am today - former Laurel of only six months. And also why I, 
and others, think that attitude needs to be ON the BoD, not just 
preaching AT the BoD.

But, if you don't want to be nominated, we cannot force you.


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