[Artemisia] spam: Creating a Persona

Jacquie Ziegler shauna at bresnan.net
Fri Aug 17 13:47:15 CDT 2007

Sarah Natividad wrote:
> Being new, I've been doing some thinking about my persona.  I think I've got
> a good idea of what I want, but I would like to know what's involved in
> creating it, other than thinking it up.  Does it have to be registered?  Do
> I have to write a report on it with references or something before I can use
> it?  If my persona has a secret that if revealed in period would put her and
> her family in peril, whom could she confide in nowadays?
Persona stories are just that, stories. They can be as complex or as 
simple as you wish, and there is no regulation or anything like that. If 
something said or done in period would have put you and yours in peril, 
it was generally left UNsaid - peril in the Middle Ages usually meant 
death in one form or another. If you want to have some sort of 'skeleton 
in your closet' as part of your personal story, that is your business. 
Who you might want to share it with is entirely up to you.

Names, on the other hand, are registerable with suitable documentation. 
First, is there a herald near you? If not, I would be happy to assist.

Baroness Shauna
(she of the many heraldic hats)

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