[Artemisia] Artemisia Digest, Vol 47, Issue 56

Regis Johanns regis at inav.net
Wed Aug 29 18:31:18 CDT 2007

Message: 1
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 12:21:21 -0600
From: "Dr. C. M. Helm-Clark Ph.D." <cat at rocks4brains.com>
Subject: [Artemisia] the secret life of electric ovens
To: artemisia at lists.gallowglass.org
Message-ID: <1188411681.11344.13.camel at cat>
Content-Type: text/plain

On Wed, 2007-08-29 at 10:33 -0500,
artemisia-request at lists.gallowglass.org wrote:
> Um - despite what anyone says, with the proper care and attention it
> *is*
> possible to make excellent custard on an electric range.  

 I have to ask, how feasible is it to make these fine dishes with say
cast Iron pot or dutch oven over coals?  After reading the many threads
about custards today (and drooling) I have to ask....

During most if not all of our period wasn't almost everything cooked
over coals or open fire?

Don't all jump on me ( Shauna & Malkin)<Grin>  I am all for modern
creative anachronisms like Gas heat and stoves.  Sometimes the simpler
older ways work amazingly well.  My good old cast iron cooking irons are
good for maintaining an even heating and with just a little attention
seem to cook somethings better then our modern labor saving gadgets.

Now for a different curiosity of mine.   Where can I get information
about specific kingdom rulings on regalia, customs, dress and such?  

Lastly, I paln to be sitting in Merchants row at the great harvest event
Friday and Saturday afternoon/early evening.  Hope some old friends look
me up and it would be great to make some new friends.  

Anton von Heidleberg


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