[Artemisia] Largess

Georgia Foster jo_foster81 at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 16 20:22:38 CDT 2008

for those interested in what others had donated as largess.  I lifted the four lists from various entries in the  file in the SCA_INC section of the Stefan’s Florilegium:largess-ideas      some are duplicates between lists
notecards with their devices printed on them
table linens with their devices
feastware/candlesticks/other table ware
handmade candles
'fruits of the valley' - pomegranites, persimmons, raisins, nuts, etc.
honey and honeycombs
games and gameboards
scented bath salts
peacock feathers
lots and lots of chocolate
various foods:  homemade cocoa mix, breads, cookies, etc.
various alcohol beverages
Rope bed for luxury camping?
"Spices of the Orient" in calligraphy-labeled glass bottles (with
corks)?  (Spices are usually reasonable these days, but would have been
a spiffy gift in period.)  A wood storage box to protect them from
breakage would be nice.  Whole spices and a tiny grater/mortar and
pestal would be fun, too.)
Book of Hours for the Queen (not a _real_ one, necessarily -- just a few
illustrated pages bound in tooled leather.  I bet your group could put
together something pretty. . .  .
Commission one of the SCA's famous cartoonists to do their portraits
(bambie-oidish or Tudor-Glitzie, or whatever).
Something ornate in marzipan (which can be "depicted" by the great
painter, Polaroid, and then shared out.  No packing!)
A royal beast, like a chained cheetah or hawk.  (There are lots of
realistic stuffed animals on the market these days.  Alas, this item
would have to be packed.)
Rent/borrow a heavy horse and a white Arab cross and have the Royals
"depicted" on horseback in garb, with fancy halters, and maybe banners,
if the horses don't object. . . .).  Give them 10 x 14s suitably
framed.  (Do you have a photographer in your group?  Might not break the
Offer to sneak them away for a private picnic away from all the pomp and
complaints -- er, pagentry, late in their reign.  (No, forget that one;
I'd probably be strung up by some irate _Blank_ocrat!)
Commission a set of praise poems/songs (suited to the Royal personnas)
from an SCA bard.  Publicly reward said bard with lengths of fine cloth
or "spices of the Orient," or whatever.
Give the Royals copies of the praise series in nice calligraphy,
suitably rolled or framed.
1. Some of the ideas I used were geared around the time of the year such
as home made christmas ornaments ( candy canes threaded through lace, pine
cones with painted highlights, lace angels, cinnamon sticks wrapped with
        2.  I also had some handkerchiefs with a painted or needle work symbol on them. 
        3. There are crafts stores in most larger cities that have wood craft
sections,  You can get little wooden pill boxs, candel holders, needle
cases, stamp dispensors, egg holders (great for salt celler) with scoops. 
        4. Handmade soap ( with a surprise inside), Treasure candles. 
        5. The papermache department often times has some great small boxes
        6. Make your own paper with fiber pulp you can buy at the craft stores.
(Add herbs and flowers) To make a small notebook press the cover in a ceramic cookie mold and buy a regular sheet of rough paper for the interior pages.
My best source for ideas often time came from all the craft show on the
cable channels or wondering the book isles at a craft store like "Ben
Franklins"& "Micheals".  I could occasionally get some ideas from the
fabric store pattern books.  They sometimes have knic-knacks and small
items you can make.
Platters with the device on them for the high table at feast
Needle cases (done at a Pennsic for each of the Queens 
in the Known Worlde)
Sheet wall for the Kingdom Pennsic camp.
belt pouches in kingdom colors (filled with "gold" choco coins)
Matching ceramic mugs for high table in kingdom device/colors
Tablecloth for high table
pillows for kneeling in court in the presence
drapes/throws for the bare-wood thrones (so they aren't "cold" 
        when they sit)
Lap shawl for wintertime for court
decorated fans on long handles for summer (for the court
        attendants to fan their majesties with)
Matching Capes in Kingdom colors/devices
"Travel Fund" contributions in appropriate pouches.
Cloth in Kingdom colors for new majestic garb
Beads, bells, colourful cords, trim, sewing accessories, recipes, 
music, get someone to strike a period-style commemerative coin,
marbles (some can be quite versatile and beautiful), impliments
of artistic use to the recipient (find out what materials they
use in their work), empty bottles of decorative bent (a local
Baron got a fish-bottle as a gift recently, his Baroness got a
necklace-perfume bottle), books, garb accessories (belts, pouches,
laces...), drinking vessels, candles, candle lanterns, oil lamps,
small containers (wooden or metal or bone boxes) or perhaps a nice
salt cellar.
Look for what the little, useful things the potential recipients employ
then try to find variants or decorative additions to them
past LPTs have included, but are not limited to:
hand-made bone needles (I gave out packets of 3 to 12 needles at last LPT)
hand-carved soapstone spindle whorls (another largess item I have given)
Viking random bead necklaces (I have given these at LPT as well as 
home-made herbal soaps
embroidered pouches
leather pouches
bottles of home-brewed liquers, wines or beers
sword-length staves of rattan
home-made herbal bath salts
home-made herbal oils
home-made herbal bruise salve
inkle and tablet-woven trim or belts
two, three, four or more hand-made lampworked glass beads
actual medieval coinage, one of two coins gifted
a pouch containing tumble-polished stones
necklaces of semi-precious gemstones
SCA-style costume jewellry
a full place setting of basic wood and pewter feastgear
a hand-carved horn or wooden spoon
a small dagger with woodburned-decoration on the handle

Jo (Georgia L.) Foster Never knock on Death's door.Ring the doorbell and run ... he hates that. I don't want to set the world on fire, I'm just trying to light a candle.


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