[Artemisia] Hellsgate Tournament

Gene Mealey rapierfighter at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 13 12:20:10 CDT 2010

A couple of additional items of note for Hellsgate this weekend:

There will be both rapier & armored tournaments!  Rapier will start sometime shortly after court as the day cools and armored after dark.
The tourneys are sponsored by HE Judith and HE Antoine.  The prizes?  Brats & Beverages.  No, we're not giving away our children, but sausage type brats that will be thrown on the grill as the list opens - which means the longer the tourney takes..the more "well done" the brat will be :)  and how warm the beverage gets sitting in the sun... It's a variation on an old tourney called "The Last Beer And The Last Brat".  More will be explained on site.

Lastly, due to the heat and other considerations, we will be starting the champion tourney on time.  That means 9am.  With inspections, sign in, etc you should plan on arriving early to ensure you have everything ready and are at the range ready to shoot by 9am.  We will not be holding up the line for stragglers.  Late comers may be allowed to enter at the Marshal's discretion, but will probably not be allowed to shoot any missed rounds.  The Marshal has my full support in this.

See you there!

Baron Antoine de Bueil 
Baron of Sentinels' Keep

"The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be."


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