[Artemisia] Musicians needed at Uprising!

Biosigns biosigns83642 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 1 17:51:26 CDT 2011

My dearest Helena,

Perhaps 'tis something wrong with my electronics, but I receive the "404 Not 
Found" message while following your link to Lady Jonete's website.  Are others 
having more luck than I?  (It wouldn't be unusual for it to be just me.)


 Saving one pet won't change the world, but it will surely change the world for 
that one pet.

----- Original Message ----
From: Kristine Baum <kbaum at jps.net>
To: The Aerie <artemisia at lists.gallowglass.org>
Sent: Wed, June 1, 2011 12:33:15 PM
Subject: [Artemisia] Musicians needed at Uprising!

Here ye Musicians of Artemisia!   Please bring your instruments to Uprising War 
June 14-19 to make lovely music at the event.   We will be playing for the 
Queen's Tea, and at the Balls (probably not the Teen Prom Ball, tho..), and 
elsewhere if requested...   As the Barony of 1000 Eyes music "director", I will 
be having practices, (yes, more practicing...) so we can sound pleasing to thy 
ears.  Practice times will be listed on the  "Privy Posts", or find me at the 
A&S classes grand pavilion or at BOTE camp site for the practice times and 
place.  So that we all be playing the same songs in the same keys and 
arrangements, we will be using the same music that we played at Estrella War.  
With her permission, Lady Jonete Malesoun of Atenveldt has the music listed on 
her website http://members.cox.net/lejon/sca/html, and the master list of the 
sheet music can be printed off from the master .pdf file.  (You will need Adobe 
Reader to download and print....)  The master file is about 44 pages of music.   
Please bring battery operated clip-on booklights, if you have them.   We cannot 
always be sure we will have other light sources.  We need a violin player, 
guitar players, a drum player.  Recorder players and harpists are, of course, 
very welcome.  Tanglwyst and/or Eadric, please contact me off-list for the music 
lists you would like for the balls.  Thank you!  And practice, practice, 

Helena Handbasket (and, yes I am...)
(Kristine Baum)
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