[Artretinue] Option for Gryphon's Fury

Kay Moore arrowyn at msn.com
Fri Aug 15 15:44:39 CDT 2003

>From: "Theodora (AKA Rachael)" <ladythea at myway.com>
>  How's the smoke in the area?  IIRC there are a number of fires around 
>there too.Thea---

Actually, the smoke is the worst here at my place (which is 8 miles south of 
the Robert Fire - the site is about 4 miles south of here, and becomes much 
more funneled OUT of the valley just before that point).  The mountain 
breezes change then, and tend to blow it in a more southerly direction, but 
during certain times of the day, here is clear, and at the site is even more 
clear.  It MAY get /sorta/ yucky late, but Eli sez it's nowhere near as bad 
as north of ME at any time.

I did consider all the foks that might have a problem with the smoke before 
we offered this - and I'm sure it will be fine (it has been over there) - 
right now, it's 3:45pm, my place sits 1/4 mile from Columbia mountain, and 
the smoke is "up against the wall" so to speak.  It should clear up (as is 
typical) by 6pm, and be fine.  I have been several times to the site at 
different times of the day and evening in the last 2 weeks, and there is no 
noticeable smoke at all.  (But I haven't been there after midnight, so I'm 
going on how it is here)   Hope that answers yours and anyone else's 
questions regarding air quality.


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