[Ek_fiber] Time to announce the email list and other things

Sarah Fiedler sarah at fiedlerfamily.net
Mon Jun 20 01:00:27 CDT 2005

Good evening.

Does anyone have a way with words who would like to post the arrival of 
this discussion list?  I'll do it if I have to, but I always feel self 
conscious writing to hundreds of people all at once.  We are ready, 
aren't we, to tell people to come and talk about a fiber guild.  I like 
the idea of mentioning that research was done by several individuals 
into the existence of a fiber guild and if we missed finding an extant 
guild we don't mean to come around stepping on toes.  OK, so if I'm so 
opinionated, does that mean I have to write it anyway.

In other news, I saw AEllin for about 3 minutes this weekend, I saw 
Carowyn but we didn't have time to talk much.  She's got some people to 
inform about this group.  I met a lovely woman named Mistress Elwyn (I 
have no idea if I'm spelling the name right) and she's going to pass the 
group info to her apprentice.  Other than that I made the accquaintence 
of chicken, barley, rice, plum mousse, and other yummy foods.

I took some wool that someone gave me, just to have something to spin 
for relaxation.  I had a bit of time Saturday morning before reporting 
for kitchen duty.  I don't know the breed of sheep - somehow I want to 
say Jacob but that's because of the color.  The brown and white were 
carded separately and then combined afterwards.  It makes an uneven sort 
of candy cane twist over most of the yarn that will be heathery when 
plied.  This would make good socks but with a mostly mundane aesthetic, 
I think.

I wonder if, in period, Jacob sheep's wool was separated to segregate 
the colors?  I need to go upstairs to check "In Sheeps Clothing".  I'll 
report back :)

I hope everyone had a good weekend.


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