[Ek_fiber] Greetings

Munson,Jennifer N. MUNSONJN at airproducts.com
Tue Jun 21 11:58:44 CDT 2005


I just joined this morning as well. Who else is here? 

I'm very amused at the concept of being a fibernaut - to boldly go where
fiber has been before!!

For anyone who doesn't know me, I have a Laurel in Fiber. Some of my
specialties are spinning flax, an in-the-hand spindle spinning method
specific to Medieval and Renaissance Europe, netting for hairnets and
lacis, dyeing, and weaving. I'll post my Pennsic teaching schedule here
closer to Pennsic

I would also be interested in what has been discussed on the scope and
nature of this proto-guild. I assume there will be some natural
crossover with the Narrowworkers and possibly the Herbalists and
Apothecarys' guilds (for dyeing).

I haven't seen any mention of this list or of the formation of a fiber
guild on the EK_AnS list. It seems to me you might want to send an
announcement there of the list as well as the meetings planned.

Mistress AnneLiese Wolkenhaar, OL, OM, OSC, OTroub, AoA

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