[Ek_fiber] Regional Structure / Playing at SRWC & NRWC

Carowyn Silveroak silveroak at juno.com
Mon Jun 27 17:38:51 CDT 2005


> Chapters in each of the districts would reduce the size to 
> more manageable bite and spread guild activity better that having 
> one central location and the use of the computer to do activities would

> bring everyone closer together.

What the EKHAG does is have local chapters in each shire / barony /
whatnot, and a regional deputy.  (Yes, I belong to a lot of Guilds - I
have a lot of diverse interests!  ;-)  But I'm in the command structure
of only one Guild, so it's not as if I'm trying to Takye Overr the
Worlde....  ;-)  For instance, I know that Elena would be a great choice
for Owl's Herste, and either Magdalena or her daughter Cornelia for Blak
Rose, and there are quite a few people in my own shire who are
fiberholics, though I think I may be the only one on the list right

Anyway, that means we can all get together in multi-shire clumps, and
have a blast!  We do already anyway, with Wednesday Craft Nights (WCNs). 
We can have *lots* of fun!

Also, concerning the event this coming weekend (Northern Region War Camp)
and Southern Region War Camp.....

My Deputy Guildmistress, Apollonia, will have an EKMG table up at NRWC. 
If any other Guild would like to set up near her, officially or not, she
says please come and join her!  (If you want to set up officially, I
think the person to contact is the merchantocrat, but I'm not sure.) 
She's got as diverse interests as I do, so she'll be interested in what
other Guilds are doing too, and she really wants to learn tablet weaving
and inkle looming.  She'll have 2 dogs with her, so please don't spin
them naked!!  ;-) ;-) ;-)  (I love those dogs, they're soooo cuuuuute! 
And yes, I have designs on their fur, but it's needle felting......  ;-)

With SRWC - Sarah, you know about my all-night glass class, right?  We
have the whole side hall, and we use less than half the space for both
the glass bead class and the pewtercasting.  Kyle from Caer Adamant is
using a few chairs of a fingerloop class - any other classes /
get-togethers are welcome to come and play!  We promise to keep the fire
away from the fiber!!!  ;-)  Last year we were told that *we* were the
most fun party around - so more people, more fun!  And it's after all
scheduled activities are over, so when you're done with dinner, wander
over, and we'll play!  If that's OK with you, that is!  (Ay, my
enthusiasm.....it sloshes over!)

Mopping up the mess,


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