[Ek_fiber] RE: A Story: Wool & Linen at Pennsic

silveroak at juno.com silveroak at juno.com
Tue Jun 28 21:14:37 CDT 2005


>And wool?  At Pennsic?

A story:

Last year, at pennsic, I was sitting im my very large but very nylon tent at Pennsic, sweltering in my cotton chemise.  Hot day, tufts of breeze wafting lazily through the camp...you know that Pennsic weather!  

So, my camp mate Angus the Tailor comes clanking into camp, after fighting on the field...clank, clank, *clank*...and peels off his armor like he's a strange blue and white lobster at his very-period pavilion aside of me.  Off comes the wool overtunic, and he stretches out in his sopping linen tunic...and a bit of breeze drifts by....

And suddenly he's yelping, "cold, cold *cold*!", as he runs inside his tent...sounds of stripping....sounds of putting clothing on...

And he pops out of his pavilion with perfectly-period linen undertunic and wool overtunic, looks out with satisfaction on the world, sighs "ah, confortable!", hangs his sopping tunic out to dry in the sun, and bounces out of camp.

If I coulda moved, I'd a-strangled him.....!

-Carowyn, who's going to Pennsic in *linen* tunics this year!  Darn tired of sweltering in cotton, I am!

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