[EKStationers] Re: Ekstationers Digest, Vol 6, Issue 2

Heather Gray March.Hare at Verizon.net
Fri Jul 15 11:35:04 CDT 2005

Elise said:
>I like what has been developed for the Guild so far.
I agree that there seems to be a large step from Novice (hi I joined) to
Journeyman (I'm about ready to teach). I would prefer having a step that is
closer to Novice.

It does seem that way, but apparently was a period practice.  Of course,
when your apprenticeship lasts 7+ years, it gives it a different
perspective.  I suspect that a major reason for the apprenticeship taking so
long was because the master wanted to get his money's worth out of the
apprentice.  He has to pay for the apprentice's upkeep, training, materials,
etc., so payback for that would be the amount of work the apprentice
produced that the master was then able to turn around and sell.

Maybe "Novice" isn't the best name and something else would be better.
"Apprentice" was used in period, but do we want to use that term if it may
confuse people outside the guild (if we don't require each and every student
to actually be an apprentice in the SCAdian way) ?  Or do we want to use it
anyway, and promote a greater understanding of period practices of guilds
and companies?

On Journeymen, how about junior and senior journeymen?  The difference being
that a senior journeyman is ready and able to do some teaching, but still
has more to learn on his/her own personal path before attaining mastery in
the given field.

>Who judges? I think it would be fair, as in the League of Rapier Academies,
to have your peers of the step above judge.
I really, really did enjoy the conversations with people about my work at
the Laurel's Challenge. It was entertaining, rewarding and not like other
contests or juries where a person really felt judged. If we can keep things
feeling this way within the Guild, I would think it would be a good thing.

Hm, I'd like to both support KayLeigh D's comment, at least for individuals
in a close working relationship, that the master can propose the student as
being ready, and also support the idea of some masters/experienced
journeymen reviewing the student's work.  I had one of the challenges at LPT
this past spring and it was a real pleasure to be able to talk to people in
person about their work, sharing learning experiences, etc.  I prefer verbal
to written for this, although it's also a good idea to write a few things
down in summation of the discussion, of the good points and also things to
do/learn/work on, so that all parties can refer to it later and remember
where things are at.

>What to give out? What comes to my mnd immediately, a book! ; ) A hand done
book (small maybe even a folded page within fabric) to symbolize advancement
to Journeyman. Perhaps something that has a page in it for spots to record
reaching new achievements in Journeyman. Your own personsonal roll of honour
to carry with you. And a pewter badge would be nice as well.

Haven't found a record of anything being given out, but the little book does
sound nice :)  Only thing I've found so far is that the advancement is
recorded in the register (the register is for all recording all things that
have monetary element, and has been handy for researchers in figuring out
who did what and when).

>Do we need to charter how information on learned skills and research is
collected and distrubuted? It might seem obvious to us now, but will it to
others in the future?

Possibly a responsibility of the wardens?  And if we could get the areas
fairly well defined, maybe put it together as a pamphlet to hand out?


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