[EKStationers] Re: Ekstationers Digest, Vol 2, Issue 2

Corinne Lewandowski corinne.lewandowski at gmail.com
Tue Mar 8 15:56:08 CST 2005

  I've been doing some Byzantine illumination research.
  Since I've had a bit of a time trying to find this resource, I want
to share this web site so people can find cool things.
    The Hellenic Ministry of Culture has a web site with a great many
images related to scribes and the books arts. The larger photos they
have print nicely so you can pour over the picture later.

   The web page is at:  http://www.culture.gr/2/21/218/e21800.html

    If you click under Byzantine Minor Arts, for example, you will
find a good number of book covers here.

    Having recently visited Greece, I have come to realize that it's
as hard to find something on the web properly documenting the images
as it is while standing in the museum.  Ask me sometime about visiting
the Byzantine and Christian Musuem and not seeing the 1000 manuscript
they have (only 5 were on display).
    Most of the museums had display labels in English and Greek. Some
did not. In most cases it just stated the year, the title of the piece
and maybe (if I was real lucky) a desciption.

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