[Sca-librarians] New around these parts

Suzanne sovagris at cybermesa.com
Mon Sep 15 21:23:29 CDT 2008

Greetings, and welcome to the list!
[I'm new, too, having just joined in the spring.]

Some of us will be in Kalamazoo in May (of course!) -- do you stay in  
town for the Medieval Congress, or instead take advantage of semester  
break to go away?  We could try to have a meet-up somewhere...  
although I admit that sometimes I'm too shy to talk to people even  
when I "know" them from a listserv.  (I know, I know -- shyness and  
the SCA really don't go together!)

Susanna de l'Essart
Exchequer for the Canton of Axed Root, in the Kingdom of Calontir
[and mundanely the Natural Sciences Cataloger at Iowa State University]

On Sep 15, 2008, at 12:00 PM, sca-librarians- 
request at lists.gallowglass.org wrote:

> Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2008 12:00:12 -0400
> From: Judith Kirk <judith.a.kirk at wmich.edu>
> Subject: [Sca-librarians] New around these parts
> Hi,
> I'm new to the list. I'm Siobhan O'Neill, from the Middle Kingdom.
> I have a BA in English with a minor in Library Science. I've worked
> in authority control for the past twenty-two years at Western
> Michigan University.
> We just went NACO and I'm thrilled :-) I've had my first 48 name
> authority records sent into Connexion on September 11.
> Hello everybody!
> Siobhan O'Neill, CL, CP
> mka
> Judy Kirk
> Coordinator, Authority Control
> Western Michigan University Libraries

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