[Artemisia] BSK Hellsgate Tourney Siege Kitchen contest details

Archer1229 at aol.com Archer1229 at aol.com
Sat Jun 17 16:12:49 CDT 2006

Greetings good gentles of the Barony of Sentinels’ Keep, it  is with a heavy 
heart that I must inform you of the early demise of the once  honored Walter 
of the Rat Sticks.  He was killed early in  battle, shall we say - first, and 
his fine cooking will not be missed by the  Baron and Baroness.  He put up a …
well not so much of a  fight.  What can one do when all you have is two sticks  
against swords and spears? To this end the Baron and Baroness of Sentinels’ 
Keep  are in search of yet another siege cook.   
The Contest: 
You will be given a box of food stuffs to be  used; to make, create, devise, 
invent, concoct and cook  You  will be allowed three of your own spices, which 
must be declared before the  contest, to the judges.  If any of your spices 
are already  included in the camp box, you will NOT be allowed a replacement.  
Unlike Walter, you must choose wisely.  You will not be  allowed any other 
food stuffs.  The Baron and Baroness felt  every good cook has his/her secret 
spices, but must still comply with the  logistics and availability of the war 
kitchen.  If you need  more than what you are allotted of one item but won’t be 
using all of another  you most certainly will be allowed to trade with other 
war cook contestants for  your needed commodity. You may also put together a 
team of cooks rather than  just competing by yourself.  Your meal will be judged 
on  authenticity, taste, appearance/presentation and creativity; but remember, 
there  can be only one war cook or team. 
You will be responsible for your own kitchen  utensils and heating sources 
which include pots, pans, propane stoves, knives,  spoons, etc., just no food 
stuffs.  A pit with coals will be  set up for your use should you need it, but 
it will be the responsibility of the  cook to start, maintain and clean the 
area once finished with its use. A  schedule and sign up sheet will be available 
at the site if we have more  participants than the pit can hold at once. This 
pit will only be made available  if fire restrictions allow it and is purely 
There will be a nominal fee charged to  defray the cost of the food and must 
be pre-paid.  The  deadline for sign up will be July 1st as we must have time 
to locate and  assemble the food boxes (we are only going to make enough boxes 
for those  pre-registered). The boxes this year will be ever so much more 
sparse than last  time. 
You will be required to make a main dish,  bread, side dish and desert for 
judging. Enough of your meal needs to be set  aside for the  3  judges (just 
enough for  tasting). You are allowed to make more dishes with what you have, if 
you so  wish, but you will have to produce at least the basic 4.  You  don’t 
have to use all the contents of the box, but some of each of the  ingredients 
provided must be used in your meal. Allergies and religious  provisions will be 
considered, but they must be turned into the judges before  the competition. 
You will be judged on a range from 1 – 5 for each of the  categories.  Prizes 
will be awarded to the person with the  most points in each category and the 
honor of War Cook will be given for the  person with the most total points from 
all the categories.  Remember the story of Walter and make sure your meal is 
fit for the Baron  and Baroness’ table. 
You will pick up your supplies from the war  kitchen council at 8:30am on 
July 8th.  A signup  sheet and schedule for the pit will be provided at that time 
and on display for  the day.  Your space will be determined by lottery and 
will be  drawn at registration.  A number will be furnished to you at  the time 
of your pre-registration.  The competition will begin  at 9am, and judging 
will begin by lottery number at 5pm.  This  time frame should allow you time to 
plan, prepare and cook your meal as well as  participate in other activities 
planned for the event. 
Lady Ygrainne ferch Rhun AKA Lexie Duvall  :  406/549-3750 home no calls 
before noon or after  10pm  Cell: 406?360-3891 
I work from 8-5 (m-f) but can be reached after work or you  can email me at 
_lexiemarie at montana.com_ (mailto:ygrainne_rhun at yahoo.com)  
Price: $20/box (this will feed 4 people) 
If you are paying by check please make them out to the Barony  of Sentinels’ 
Keep, SCA, Inc. and mail them to:  1338 S  4th W, Missoula,  MT 59801.
The judges will again be accepting bribes for missing  ingredients, so please 
come prepared

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