[Artemisia] Medieval medical images

Vaun Stevens vstevens at missoula.lib.mt.us
Sat Sep 2 12:05:56 CDT 2006


Here is another resource for those interested in medieval medical
images. Please note, these are from manuscripts only in North American
collections, but it's still a wealth of information.


Index of Medieval Medical Images

"The Index of Medieval Medical Images project began in 1988 and aimed to
describe and index the content of all medieval manuscript images (up to
the year 1500) with medical components held in North American
collections." Contains images and descriptions of each text. Search, or
browse by subject, date, country of origin, and other factors. Includes
a list of contributing collections. From the Louise M. Darling
Biomedical Library, University of California, Los Angeles.

URL: http://digital.library.ucla.edu/immi/



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