[Artemisia] SCA Reasonable accountability

heather garrison alevecrys at bresnan.net
Fri May 11 13:23:50 CDT 2007

Sorry about the incolmpete post... here is what I meant to post.

Q1:  Do we believe that the SCA has made a reasonable efforts in the past to 
protect youth?

Q2:  What is working?

Q3:  What is not working?

Q4:  How do we enforce the new rules?

Q5:  Other than background checks, what other measures would we like to take 
to better protect our youth.

My answers and opinions:
A1:  No.  Irresponsible parenting at events and lack of enforcement of 
parental accountability and lack of adult participation at youth activities 
have been the main failing of the past system.

A2:  Not much that I can point out, we hold irresponsible parents loosely 
accountable because we are too nice for our own good.

A3:  Parental accountability and participation.

A4:  2 strikes and you are out with parental accountability.  Make the youth 
activity authorization card a point of honor for those who have it, and not 
make it a stygma of those who don't have it.  Check for the cards as often as 

A5:  Encourage the background checks for more officers than the youth 
minister.  Require an authorized Youth leader for every 10 youth participants. 
 Require at least 1 parent per family with youth to have an authorization, or 
better yet charge a $3 surcharge /youth if no parent in their family has a 
youth authorization.  Require an annual awareness training on child abuse and 
recognizing the warning signs.

In service to the dream

Daniel d'Aurelle

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