[Artemisia] Lunch at Collegium

Jenn Rhoades lady_flora at msn.com
Sun Mar 15 15:05:33 CDT 2009

OH no!  Not me again!


Lord Aghren and I are HONORED to have been asked to coordinate lunch at Collegium on April 11 at the Davis County Events Center.


The event itself will be providing lunchmeats, cheeses, bread and condiments. But we need donations of salads and desserts.  We are anticipating about 150 people, so we need about 12 or 15 of each, that will serve at least 10 people.  This does NOT have to be period food.  If anyone in the four sponsoring groups is willing to donate a salad or two or a dessert or two (brownies, cake, cookies) please contact me off list and I will generate a list of folks willing to do this and keep track of everything so that no one is hungry at the end of the day.  Lady_flora at msn dot com.  I already have a couple of volunteers (thank you!) but we need many more to make this happen.  


Thank you in advance for your response and generosity!


In Humble Service,


Lady Flora of Heronton and Lord Aghren the Brus

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