[EKStationers] another warden, Coronation, charter

Dianne & Greg Stucki goofy1 at suscom.net
Thu Mar 9 10:42:47 CST 2006

What exactly are the duties of a warden?

Laurensa de Chambord
Fiant simii!!
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Heather Gray 
  To: [Proto-]Stationers Guild of the East Kingdom 
  Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 10:34 AM
  Subject: [EKStationers] another warden, Coronation, charter

  Hi folks,

  1. Any volunteers to be a warden?  It should be an interesting job, although I don't expect it to take a huge amount of time. Since we'll be the first ones, it will develop over time as we all figure out (with input from the rest of the members, I'm sure!) how best to meet everyone's needs.

  2. Who will be attending Coronation?  Whoever is there can sign the charter then, and we can take it to other events to get the rest of you.

  3. Please let me know if you want to be on the charter - I have had only one response from the list so far, and I can't spell everyone's full names.  I've had some responses from local folks, but I'd really like to hear from people in other regions :)


  Heather Gray

  Wishing you love, peace, sunscreen and big hats


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