[EKStationers] another warden, Coronation, charter

Rachael Schechter rschecht at pobox.upenn.edu
Thu Mar 9 12:17:46 CST 2006

Hey, Raff -

Penn just got a new book
Japanese Papermaking - by Tomothy Barrett

It has a section in it on lower tech option for doing it yourself.

Thing is, we'd need a wet room.  Because even though their plastic
sheeting delicately channels all the water into a small bucket, I'm
guessing we will be messier.

But if you can find somewhere we can get messy, then I'm up for

 - Livia Petralia

>_I'd be willing to be a warden. I'm interested in learning
>_more about papermaking anyway, maybe this will give me the
>_motivation to get out and do more with it ;) And I'm
>_located in the south of our kingdom. (hartshorndale)  If
>_someone with more experience in the book arts is interested
>_tho, I won't be hurt if you chose them instead!
>_And I would love to be listed on the charter, as Raffaella
>_di Napoli

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