[Blgspops] Next Thursday - lots of info

Jacquie Ziegler shauna.baroness at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 11:59:26 CST 2019

It was a good rehearsal last night, and we got the final music list for 
the Head Start concert this coming Thursday.

We'll start with Carnival of the Animals - Royal March of the Lions, 
Elephant and Fossils.

Then, we'll play 'A Cheerful Earful' and 'Thunder and Lightning Polka'

We'll end with Pictures at an Exhibition - but we are only playing a few 
of the selections for this concert. Promenade, The Gnome, The Old Castle 
and The Great Gate of Kiev - this is the first three parts and the last 
one. We can keep working on all the portions for later concerts.

There are several other things that were discussed and decided last 
night - those will be in separate messages. Stay tuned!

Jacquie Ziegler


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