[Blgspops] Thursday info - repeat

Jacquie Ziegler shauna.baroness at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 19:23:01 CST 2019

Hope that everyone is staying safe and warm. If you don't feel that you 
can travel safely tomorrow afternoon/evening, please don't! Especially 
our players from out of town - stay home if your roads are bad! We will 
miss you but we would rather not play at anyone's funeral! (That last 
was a direct quote from John).

That being said, here's a recap:

Address for the concert is 511 Custer. Parking in lot at the corner of 
5th and Broadwater.

Time: The Eckroth representative will be there around 5:15 pm to set up 
the Instrument Petting Zoo. Doors will open to the audience (the kids 
and their families) at 6:00 pm, when the zoo should be up and running. 
We are being asked to help with that - at least two or three folks to 
help the Eckroth person.

We will be setting up at the back of the hall, on a raised area. There 
are small rooms back behind and down a hallway where we can put our 
coats and cases. The earlier you can be there, the better.

Attire - Concert white on top, black on bottom. Nice uniform look for 
the kids.

Baton down by 6:30 to 6:45.

We will be playing FOUR pieces total.

Carnival of the Animals - three sections - Royal Parade of the Lion, 
Elephant and Fossils

A Cheerful Earful

Thunder and Lightning Polka

Pictures at an Exhibition - the first three sections - Promenade, Gnome 
and Lost Castle and then the final section the Great Gate of Kiev

We should be done by 7:15 to 7:30, with some of that time being with the 
instruments afterwards. Helping the Eckroth person pack up would 
probably be a good thing, too.

Everyone - safety and warmth are important. Please take your time 
driving and we will adjust our time to when folks arrive, rather than 
have anyone rush and get hurt.

See everyone tomorrow night!

Jacquie Ziegler


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