[Ek_fiber] Re: Guild Badge

silveroak at juno.com silveroak at juno.com
Thu Jun 23 15:00:36 CDT 2005

Greetings again!

A few thoughts, based on my own experience:

1) For Guild badge ideas, check this out: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.hicleones.com/archive/thumbs/20037.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.hicleones.com/karten-e.php%3Fno%3D342&h=80&w=104&sz=2&tbnid=DWPm9fpyxywJ:&tbnh=60&tbnw=79&hl=en&start=18&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dguild%2Bcoats%2Bof%2Barms%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D

2) A short, flexible charter is better than a long complicated charter.  I based the Metalsmiths' Guild charter on the Herbalist & Apothecary Guild charter.  Don't even ask about the EK Bards' charter....

3) Putting a required tithe into the actual charter can turn out to be a pain later.  In the EKMG we opted to not put it in, but we have a "tradition" of a tithe (the Tailor to the Crown awards).  For us, it's easier, and we can be flexible!

4) You don't have to work out levels in the Guild till later - that's what both the EKHAG & the EKMG decided.  It'll come in time, and till then, it's fun!!  (After a few years, you know who the experts are, so it sorts itself out.)

My two pence, and it's only my opinion, your mileage may vary and all that...


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