[Ek_fiber] My Intro

Baroness Temair grapefox at earthlink.net
Mon Jun 27 08:15:04 CDT 2005

Greetings, I am Temair and I have a string addiction

Actually I have a craft addiction.  The females on
both sides of my family have always been doing crafty
things (sewing, needlework, spinning, knitting,
crocheting, etc) and the kids just learned as
something to do to pass the time (when it is hot and
you don't have A/C or pools...).  I like narrow work,
am just returning to knitting and crocheting, spin on
a wheel and drop spindle, and just bought a four
harness loom <sigh>.  

So, I am an expert in nothing and have dabbled in many
things :).

As for web space - there are SOOOO many "freeservers"
on the web, we don't HAVE to start on the EK page.  I
will gladly help with charter wording - but also see
no rush.  I like the loose system rather than
rankings.  It feels too much like a merit badge when
there's rankings :)


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