[Ek_fiber] knit cap identifier

AEllin Olafs dotter aellin at earthlink.net
Tue Jun 28 17:18:52 CDT 2005

OK, while I understand that some kind of identifier can be handy, I have 
a couple of problems with the caps in general.

First,I simply am involved with too many things, and don't want to go 
around with 15 various tags on my person...*G* It would get a bit 
visually noisy! LOL! (Yes, I've had this discussion elsewhere.)

While a garment reduces some aspects of that noise, it presents its own 
problems. We play a very wide variety of personae from many times and 
countries. I'm having trouble picturing anything that Gabrielle and Brid 
would both logically wear, to pick two examples I know span more than 
1000 years, and that's before we start worrying about those who do not 
come from western Europe!

We also have chosen to cover a very wide range of techniques. Although I 
technically am capable of knitting - I have done it - it is not my 
preferred medium, and I bet there are some people here who don't knit at 
all. It doesn't make sense for me to spend my time struggling with 
something I'm not good at, don't want, and won't wear...

I mean, everyone else is welcome to do what they want to do, but...


jh_grace at comcast.net wrote:
>>I think the knitted cap idea sounds good as a subtle member identifier.  Who has Patterns?
> Just as long as it's a nicely unisex cap. 
> Not all Fiber Artists are of the female persuasion you know. We guys might be a minority, but we're still here.
> J.

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