[Sca-librarians] RE: SCA and job interviews

Lisa Tyson Lisa_Tyson at umit.maine.edu
Sat Jan 22 07:25:58 CST 2005


I'm finally responding to a topic discussed a few weeks ago regarding
discussing the SCA at job interviews. You'll see why I waited in just
a minute... 

I recently interviewed for a university position (research associate). 
On my resume I included mention of my having received the East Kingdom
Silver Crescent award for service. I was asked about it during the last part of
the interview and explained what I had done for activities and why I liked
the sca as a weekend recreational hobby, being conscious to use terms like
"costume" and "lunch" instead of garb and dayboard (it's amazing how
quickly we all fall into the sca terminology). I also mentioned the large
annual public demo my local group does at a granite fort in a state park 
(it is a great site!), which many people in my area have visited and might 
be familiar with. The response I received during the interview was positive. 

I decided to include relevant sca interests the same way I include other
roles I take in other organizations, like the university fencing club which I advise/instruct. 
I'd rather be able to feel I can mention my outside interests if they come
up in the course of casual conversation (what did you do this weekend?)
at work. If you don't make a big deal about what you did and casually 
talk about basic activities you did at an sca event ("oh, I went shopping, 
and I fenced for a bit, then we camped out and sang songs after the awards
ceremonies (royal court)...") it clicks better with co workers. 

For what it's worth, I was just offered and accepted the job I just interviewed for. 
I've gone from getting my masters in library science in summer 2003 and
working as a secretary in an academic library for over 5 years, to starting a new job this
week as a research associate in the college of education ( and stayed on the 
same college campus).  In this politicially liberal academic environment, 
the appropriate mention of my sca interests didn't hurt.  I'm lucky. 

Here is the SCA mention on my resume under a heading "Volunteer Service": 

Society for Creative Anachronism: Awarded Silver Crescent for years of service to local group. 
Designs and maintains website for local group. Works at local demos and assists in organizing local events. 
Recommends others for recognition for awards granted at regional and international levels.

More gainfully employed, 
Lady Bryn Millar 

who plans to celebrate a little bit by shopping at Birka next weekend... and fencing.. 

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